Saturday, September 29, 2007

SJ drove off to a regional chess championship this morning, documentation in hand. He might return in time for dinner. I had to run some errands this afternoon, and wore a pair of jeans. They were 25+ years old, and still fit just fine.

This is encouraging. An old bat can still fit into a pair of jeans she had in high school and college? I can no longer fit into 27" waist jeans, but 28" works for me. Shut up--I'm 46. Okay?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

SJ is back from Ukraine and brought me a traditional "scepter" that looks more like a highly decorated like a mace than anything ceremonial. It's pretty cool. The bigger, fancier one's mine. ;) Actually, it's not really a birthday present; we're going out for dinner for that despite the fact that we have plenty of food in the house. We have yet to decide between Thai and Indian. I'm leaning toward Indian; I haven't had vindaloo in a loooong time and the Indian spices in my cabinet are limited to Madras curry powder and garam masala.

Since nothing else but the honeysuckle is blooming this time of year, I took a picture of my asters. Most years, the rabbits get them, so this year it's quite a treat to see them actually bloom and not get nibbled. They come up amid the astilbes, lilies of the valley, vinca major (periwinkle) and stray catnip.

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cool Beans

I got the bumper pool table and the dartboard! The ping-pong table is too big to fit with the pool table in my basement, or I'd grab it, too.

I'm going to get my kiddie stuff as well. The zebra hobby horse is mine (the gray one's my brother's--mom forgot which of us owned which one).

Forty years later, I remember stuff like our kiddie hobby horses.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Go There

Go here. I just don't have enough time on my hands to keep cross-posting.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Four O'Clocks

Haven't posted in nearly a week. That horrible writer about whom I sometimes complain has been on quite a blogging rampage lately spewing filth and venom at anyone and everyone who he thinks is standing in the way of his success.

For the most part, it's mid-list writers he attacks. I've never seen him go for over four weeks straight without taking a break. My response to all this nonsense was to start a WordPress blog that chronicles his behavior and analyzes his blog entries. Just snippets here and there for block quotes, under the Fair Use provision of the U.S. Copyright Law. It annoys him, but there's nothing he can do about it.

Now, for the flowers. These were all that sprouted from really old seed. They all turned out yellow; we were hoping for a mix that also had red and orange. Not much else blooms this time of year.

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Emo kids are annoying. I can deal with them, but sheesh. Especially if they aren't mine. We can have an hour-long IM conversation, but in the end they cut the line before I do. I don't think I'm really doing anything wrong, but drama kids aren't my expertise. Every time I have to deal with this, the emo kid belongs to someone else, but contacts me instead of his or her mom or dad. Why? Why me?