Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Visitor

Found this 8-point buck in my yard a little before dusk last night. He was standing perhaps 25' from my porch. The doe with him dashed off behind the forsythia when I opened the front door to snap a picture. I got my picture then waved my arms at him. He dashed off into the woods in the background.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Barking for Fun

I'm so lame. We grilled buffalo bacon blue cheese burgers this evening, and ate them out on the patio with salad and corn on the cob. As we sat, digesting, a neighborhood dog gave a single mid-pitched "woof."

Not one to resist, I barked back, and waited. It returned my bark. We played a game with each other for a couple of minutes, until a bark-fest ensued that involved other neighborhood dogs. By then, the mosquitoes were getting a bit annoying, and I didn't feel like slathering on sticky insect repellent, so we went inside, chuckling.

Neither of us have room for a piece of the strawberry-rhubarb pie I made. It can wait until tomorrow.

Friday, August 03, 2007

One Link Led to Another, and Another . . .

I was looking through my referral tracking statistics and backtracked to a link at this blog over at MySpace, which appears to be new. If its author would like, I'd be happy to blogroll her in my sidebar (just leave a comment, if that's the case).

Though I do keep track of Pacione's shenanigans and occasionally post about them, it's not the focus of this blog. Still, I welcome any new readers it may bring me.

Come one, come all. Feel free to stay awhile if you enjoy what you see. Otherwise, thanks for stopping by.


Garden Pornography

Found these in my garden today, and thought I'd share. The summersweet smells divine--floral, yet spicy.

Summersweet (Clethra alnifolia)

Obedience Plant (Physostegia virginiana). Some are white; mine's mauvey.

Summersweet closeup with a smallish bumblebee (we do have a colony of honeybees that raid it as well)

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