Monday, April 23, 2007

LJ: "We KNOW Drama"

The horrible horror writer is at it again. Every six months or so, he can't help himself, and challenges the world to a duel.

He was banned from LiveJournal a few years ago, but recently made his way back on. Further, he set up a syndicated feed there from his Xanga. Over the past five or so years, he's made many enemies among not only the writing community, but also among anyone who thinks his writing is awful. Seriously, I'm not a competitor jealous of his talent for mangling the English language: I grow orchids, make a living at math, and love gardening. But I can string together a coherent sentence. That makes me the enemy.

Predictably, when he set up his syndicated feed in a venue that does attract a lot of writers and would-be writers, people criticized not only his writing talent (or lack thereof), but also his immature, nasty, and outright rude behavior. Those who have only become recently acquainted with him and his writing always ask whether English is his second language.

What happens when people get on his case? Things go "splodey,"of course. It's vastly entertaining for a boring evening at home. SJ went out this evening to play at a local chess club meeting, so I have a few hours on my hands.

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