Sunday, March 04, 2007


The horrible horror writer went off the deep end last week, and managed to convince the powers that be at Xanga to yank a bunch of people's accounts. Nobody got any warning. Just tried to log in and find their account was pulled. The dude, who shall henceforth be known as HWSNBN (he who shall not be named) has been accusing people left and right of plagiarizing his work because they reviewed it in their blogs, and used quotes from his publicly posted works at Author's Den and Melodramatic. Not once did anyone attempt to claim his quotes were theirs, and he always received the requisite credits.

The carnage at Xanga was brutal. The bloodbath continues. HWSNBN keeps confusing people with each other. First off, he admits that he's mentally ill, and on disability. These accusations, however, constitute libel, which is punishable by law. Yet the Xanga admins don't seem fit to pull his blog. He just leaves such libelous comments on others' blogs.

So far, my Xanga's intact, but the admins there have been sniffing around it for the past week. HWSNBN really, really wants my Xanga pulled down, but he's been unsuccessful thus far. At what point does incessant harping from one obviously deranged person set off the alarm bells with the admins that maybe, just maybe, they should go pour through the complainant's blog as well as those he reports?

Sometimes the bad guys do indeed win.



Blogger Barb the Evil Genius said...

That's nuts. Forgive my ignorance, but who exactly runs Xanga?

9:30 PM  

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