Thursday, May 18, 2006

My boss quit today. I was working from home, and had to phone and WebEx in for the Operations meeting for a good chunk of the day. Thank god (and my wallet) for speakerphone and a lightning-fast home computer, because it's just like being there in the office, without the human distractions.

About an hour after it was over, and right before I had to run out to the vet with the cat, my boss called my land lines number. It didn't sound like he was on speakerphone, until he told me he'd just resigned, and I told him "Oh, that's fantastic! Good for you. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" There was laughter in the background. I think it was just Meilin and least, I hope it wasn't George and Joanne (it didn't sound Canadian, anyway). My boss gave the standard two weeks notice, and will be gone when I come back from vacation in June.

I've known him for almost 25 years, and I know he's been as miserable as I at work for the past few months. I helped him get hired a few years ago as my boss, which I never would have done if he wasn't a good guy. He's almost get tenure teaching at FIT, so that's his "rice bowl" as Meilin would say (i.e. fallback). Income isn't his mission at this stage of his life. Peace of mind is. I applaud him. He didn't take it the wrong way at all, when I congratulated him for leaving. He knew damn well that I am genuinely happy for him. I think he was expecting my reaction, but the others in the room probably weren't.


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